I downloaded the latest OpenMCL distribution for OS x (openmcl-darwinppc-all-0.14.2-p1.tar.gz) and a fresh CVS slime. I tried to start slime with M-x slime from an emacs with a .emacs containing only: (setq inferior-lisp-program "/Applications/ccl/scripts/openmcl") (add-to-list 'load-path "/Users/rif/Software/slime") (require 'slime) (slime-setup) When I ran M-x slime, I got the following: (load "/Users/rif/Software/slime/swank-loader.lisp" :verbose t) (swank:start-server "/tmp/slime.10272" :external-format :iso-latin-1-unix) Welcome to OpenMCL Version (Beta: Darwin) 0.14.2-p1! ? ;Loading #P"/Users/rif/Software/slime/swank-loader.lisp"... ;Loading #P"/Users/rif/.slime/fasl/openmcl/swank-backend.dfsl"... ;Loading #P"/Users/rif/.slime/fasl/openmcl/nregex.dfsl"... ;Loading #P"/Users/rif/.slime/fasl/openmcl/metering.dfsl"... ;Compiling "/Users/rif/Software/slime/swank-openmcl.lisp"... ;Compiler warnings for "/Users/rif/Software/slime/swank-openmcl.lisp" : ; Unused lexical variable STREAM, in (MAKE-STREAM-INTERACTIVE (T)). ; Warning: Interface file #4P"ccl:darwin-headers;libc;functions.cdb" does not exist. ; While executing: CCL::CDB-OPEN Read error between positions 8480 and 8595 in /Users/rif/Software/slime/swank-openmcl.lisp.
Error in process listener(1): Foreign function not found: OS::|tmpnam| While executing: CCL::LOAD-EXTERNAL-FUNCTION Type :POP to abort. Type :? for other options. 1 >
Any suggestions? Cheers, rif