Avast mateys! I have come to the shocking realisation that we actually have USERS! Good heavens.. we haven't really prepared for this. I feel like the proverbial guy who forgot he was hosting a party and only had light beer when the guests arrived. What we need is a way for new users to find out how to use SLIME -- what some would call a manual. We need the information to be easy to update and get feedback on and for changes to be easy to follow. Sounds like a job for Cliki! So I've started a couple of new pages there: http://www.cliki.net/SLIME-HOWTO The mundane stuff - how to download and install. http://www.cliki.net/SLIME%20Features What features we have and how to use them. I have only made a start on the Features page. It would be great if newcomers to SLIME post little notes pointing out important information that's missing, and if seasoned users and hackers help them out and write a few words about their favourite features. What else can we do to help people use SLIME, beyond hacking? Cheers, Luke