Raymond Toy wrote:
Helmut Eller wrote:
* Raymond Toy [2009-08-14 03:27+0200] writes:
One long standing bug is that xemacs' goto-char doesn't like nil. This shows up with C-x C-k and there are no warnings or errors. I get an error about nil not being an integer or marker. It comes from slime-find-note, in the loop that runs (goto-char (funcall next-candidate-fn (point) 'slime-note). I changed that so goto-char isn't called if funcall returns nil. This gets rid of the warning. goto-char wouldn't work with nil in Emacs either. It could be that our emulation for next-single-char-property-change returns nil but judging from the code that doesn't seem possible. Can you give a recipe to reproduce the bug? C-c C-k without warnings seems to work here.
I'll take a look at next-single-char-property-change. And I'm currently using xemacs 21.5.29.
Not sure what the issue is, but if I just change slime-DEFUN-if-undefined to plain defun, then I don't get an error. Perhaps a bug in xemacs in handling slime-DEFUN-if-undefined? (Oh, if it matters, I don't compile any of the slime el files.) Ray