[Sorry, Marco, you're getting this twice, my mail-client doesn't reply to the mailing list by default] Nice Work!!! I ported it to acl62, see the attached diff marco wrote:
- access docstrings associated with classes, slots, generic functions, methods, functions and global variables/constants.
- makunbound, fmakunbound, remove-method from within inspector.
hm, removing method has one problem though: it doesn't remove the method at point (instead it always removes the last method.) Also warning when the last normal method (ie. w/o qualifiers) is about to be removed would be nice. (though that's just a minor feature) Nevertheless, I repeat myself: Nice work!!
todo: [...] - invent some simple syntax for doc strings which will allow the developer to write "See Also" fields and have those "clikable."
How about Emacs `foo' style? I already use it in my docs sometimes (if just for the colouring effect) but not so often since ` is quite hard to insert on german keyboards, because it waits for another char being inserted. And in case of a vocal this may becom ì or ù or è. But if it spices up my docs I think I can get used to it ;). [to Marco only: Also how about some nice (customizable) coloring to indicate what's clickable and what not? But maybe it's already possible and I haven't customized it appropriately. - I just found `slime-inspector-action-face ;) ] -ts -- ,, \../ / <<< The LISP Effect |_\\ _==__ __ | |bb| | _________________________________________________