A few things: 1) How do I subscribe to slime-devel? I'm not sure that I have anything to contribute, but I like knowing what's going on :-) 2) swank-sbcl does (require 'sb-bsd-sockets) and (require 'sb-introspect) These are asdf packages, and require won't be able to find them unless asdf itself is in the SBCL image; in other words, they should be preceded by (require 'asdf) 3) I've been seeing these errors (or something similar) for a few days now: : You have encountered a bug in SLIME. : : The communication state machine received an event that was illegal for : its current state, which means that the communication between Emacs : and Lisp has lost synchronization. The connection to Lisp has : therefore been closed. : : You can open a fresh connection with `M-x slime'. : : Please report this problem to your friendly neighbourhood SLIME : hacker, or the mailing list at slime-devel@common-lisp.net. Please : include in your report: : : A description of what you were doing when the problem occured, : the version of SLIME, Emacs, and Lisp that you are using, : the Lisp backtrace, if one was printed, : and the information printed below: : : The event was: : (:new-features : ("ASDF" "ANSI-CL" "COMMON-LISP" "SBCL" "UNIX" "SB-DOC" "SB-TEST" "IEEE-FLOATING-POINT" "X86" "BSD" "FREEBSD" "GENCGC" "STACK-GROWS-DOWNWARD-NOT-UPWARD" "C-STACK-IS-CONTROL-STACK")) : : : The state stack was: : (slime-evaluating-state slime-idle-state)