On 2009-07-04 16:58 +0100, farlies wrote:
I've tried switching to gnu-emacs several times in the last 5 year, and invariably come crawling back to XEmacs, usually after spending fruitless hours trying to get fonts and other visual features to look acceptable in gnu-emacs (Linux). Have tried running both on the same system: bad mistake.
It might be worthwhile to look again when Emacs 23 comes out on 29 July. Then it will have proper unicode support (or mule 6.0, none of the other variants has this), xft font etc. Generally there are lots of people on gmane.emacs.help (including Emacs developers) that can help out. It is sad that XEmacs does not have enough man power. Otherwise a healthy competition is always good for both projects. -- Emacs uptime: 1 day, 1 hour, 23 minutes, 53 seconds