Hi Helmut, Thanks! It was perms on the .../sources/swank directory. I got a much more helpful error message when I tried loading via the recommended method.
(load "/usr/share/common-lisp/source/swank/swank-loader.lisp")
A quick chmod 777 later and everything looks OK.
Another thought is: maybe there's a way to precompile all of this stuff (into a FASL file I think) and then it should "just work" ?
This is unfortunately quite difficult. We support 5 different Lisp implementations, the FASL file formats are different between OSes and often incompatible between different versions of the same implementation.
I didn't realise that. I was assuming that FASL was some kind of portable byte-code, not an implementation specific thing.
- If it works, start SLIME with M-x slime from Emacs.
Once again, thanks. Ian. -- #ifndef __COMMON_SENSE__ | Ian Phillips #include <std_disclaimer> | TIBCO Software Inc. #endif | www.tibco.com