Thanks everyone for responding, Tobias C. Rittweiler wrote:
How exactly do you arrange the source code to avoid this issue?
I circumvent the issue entirely by using `C-SPC' and `comment-region' (or `uncomment-region' respectively.)
Actually this is what I had been doing, not using the #| |# comments because they don't work properly. But I also find them quite nice when I wish to put some code inside them (a toplevel form) that I want to execute some times but not to execute when compiling. Marco Antoniotti wrote:
Yep. And a very annoying indeed. Sometimes I work around the bug by using #|| and ||# to delimit comments. However you loose the comment highlighting.
Oh, thanks for this tip ! It helped me circumvent the bug that when you have some forms as follows and you position point after "|#" and press enter or edit the form (test3) a little bit, it becomes highlighted as a string.. ---- (test1) #| (test2) |# (test3) ---- Evan