+ * slime.el (slime-dispatch-event): Add clause for :gdb-attach. + (slime-attach-gdb): New. +
The new function `slime-attach-gdb' references the function
`gud-gdb' and the variable `gud-comint-buffer', which are defined in Emacs's gud.el, but does not include
(require 'gud)
Was this omission intentional?
Under what circumstances is it necessary to explicitly require packages?
Here is the first sentence from the "Autoload" section of the Emacs Lisp manual: "The 'autoload' facility allows you to make a function or macro known in Lisp, but put off loading the file that defines it." So, as long as code is referencing only functions or macros that have been marked as autoloaded, it is not be necessary to require explicitly the packages that define them. The change to add the new function `slime-attach-gdb' does not reference only functions or macros. It also references a variable. Because `slime-attach-gdb' references an autoloaded function, this reference to the variable does not cause a problem -- its definition is loaded when the autoload for the function takes place. However, the compilation of slime.el will cause the variable to be flagged as undefined because the autoloading (by definition) takes place at run-time. So, everyone who compiles slime.el will, if they are being careful, need to check the code to confirm that it is calling an autoloaded function (searching for `gud-gdb', in this case) and looking it up in the defining file (gud.el). In this instance in slime.el, the autoloaded function is called quite near in the code to the reference to the variable, but that will not always be the case.
Won't the autoload magic do that automatically?
In this instance, yes. It is more a stylistic consideration. The code is written once, but (at least potentially) compiled and read by many people, who would then need to investigate to confirm that the definition of `gud-comint-buffer' will be loaded when `gud-gdb' is autoloaded. The stylistic rule I am proposing is that if the code references any non-autoloaded symbols (only functions and macros are autoloaded), then it should include a '(require ...)', regardless of whether the code also includes some autoloaded symbols. This should also help with robustness because if some future change were to remove the autoloaded symbols, then the non-autoloaded symbols would no longer have their definitions loaded.