Howdyo, Feels good to be hacking again :-) Helmut, list-callers is great! The inspector too! This backend integration is groovy too. I've been hacking on the Elisp source-path support a bit more just now. It turns out backquote is really hard (see ChangeLog for details). We probably should push resolving source-paths into Lisp to use their reader for compiler notes too. Maybe `forward-source-path's days are numbered? Also hacked the batch-mode test suite a bit. There's a little 'test.sh' in CVS for running it. I drive it with different lisp/emacs versions with this script: #!/bin/bash tester="/home/luke/hacking/slime/test.sh" emacsen="emacs21 emacs20" lispen="sbcl-cvs cmucl-snapshot cmucl-cvs" echo "(Removing old output.)" rm *.dribble* *.results* &>/dev/null for emacs in $emacsen; do for lisp in $lispen; do tag=${emacs}_${lisp} echo -en "Testing $tag:\t" $tester $emacs $lisp $tag.dribble $tag.results && echo "passed." done done which then prints output like: $ ./slime-test.sh (Removing old output.) Testing emacs21_sbcl-cvs: 6 test(s) failed. Testing emacs21_cmucl-snapshot: 1 test(s) failed. Testing emacs21_cmucl-cvs: 1 test(s) failed. Testing emacs20_sbcl-cvs: 6 test(s) failed. Testing emacs20_cmucl-snapshot: 1 test(s) failed. Testing emacs20_cmucl-cvs: 1 test(s) failed. The details/results and dribble output are saved in files. One test they all failed is placing a compiler note inside a backquote. The extra failed SBCL cases are on tests where we currently assume we're looking things up in CMUCL's codebase. Cheers, Luke