Hi Frank, Yes, I dump the image after having loaded everything. However the server tries to load those files when the first client connects. I'm wondering if there's something I'm not loading, even with `:load-contribs t`, or if it's just a default behaviour that can be switched off. I wasn't able to find the answer. Kind regards, - Mauro On Thu, Jun 21, 2018 at 5:44 PM, Frank Gönninger <frgo@me.com> wrote:
Hi Mauro,
seems as if those modules aren’t part of the image yet. When did you make the image? I assume after loading swank?
Also I’d ask Franz directly ...
*Von: *slime-devel <slime-devel-bounces@common-lisp.net> im Auftrag von Stas Boukarev <stassats@gmail.com> *Datum: *Donnerstag, 21. Juni 2018 um 17:04 *An: *Mauro D'Agostino <mdagostino@ravenpack.com> *Cc: *<slime-devel@common-lisp.net> *Betreff: *Re: Loading and starting Swank on a lisp image
On Thu, Jun 21, 2018 at 5:59 PM Mauro D'Agostino <mdagostino@ravenpack.com> wrote:
Is anyone reading this?
Yes, but nobody is answering.
Kind regards,
On Tue, May 15, 2018 at 12:34 PM, Mauro D'Agostino < mdagostino@ravenpack.com> wrote:
I'm trying to add a swank server on all of our lisp apps running on images. I want to have everything compiled and loaded, so when I start up the image I don't need to load any .fasl files.
I'm using ASDF to load swank and then running:
(swank-loader:init :reload t :load-contribs t :quiet nil)
On image start up, I'm running:
(setf swank::*loopback-interface* "")
(swank:create-server :port 4005 :dont-close t)
Swank starts up fine, but, when the first user tries to connect, it tries to load some .fasl files.
; Fast loading /home/mdagostino/.slime/fasl/2.20/allegro-10.1as-64bit-ics-linux-x86-64/contrib/swank-asdf.fasl
; Loading /home/mdagostino/workspace/Library/world/site/cl-ppcre-1.3.2/cl-ppcre-test.asd
; Loading /home/mdagostino/workspace/Library/world/site/slime-20180308-git/contrib/swank-media.lisp
; Fast loading /home/mdagostino/.slime/fasl/2.20/allegro-10.1as-64bit-ics-linux-x86-64/contrib/swank-trace-dialog.fasl
; Fast loading /home/mdagostino/.slime/fasl/2.20/allegro-10.1as-64bit-ics-linux-x86-64/contrib/swank-package-fu.fasl
; Fast loading /home/mdagostino/.slime/fasl/2.20/allegro-10.1as-64bit-ics-linux-x86-64/contrib/swank-presentations.fasl
; Fast loading /home/mdagostino/.slime/fasl/2.20/allegro-10.1as-64bit-ics-linux-x86-64/contrib/swank-repl.fasl
; Fast loading /home/mdagostino/.slime/fasl/2.20/allegro-10.1as-64bit-ics-linux-x86-64/contrib/swank-macrostep.fasl
; Fast loading /home/mdagostino/.slime/fasl/2.20/allegro-10.1as-64bit-ics-linux-x86-64/contrib/swank-fuzzy.fasl
; Fast loading /home/mdagostino/.slime/fasl/2.20/allegro-10.1as-64bit-ics-linux-x86-64/contrib/swank-util.fasl
; Fast loading /home/mdagostino/.slime/fasl/2.20/allegro-10.1as-64bit-ics-linux-x86-64/contrib/swank-c-p-c.fasl
; Fast loading /home/mdagostino/.slime/fasl/2.20/allegro-10.1as-64bit-ics-linux-x86-64/contrib/swank-fancy-inspector.fasl
; Fast loading /home/mdagostino/.slime/fasl/2.20/allegro-10.1as-64bit-ics-linux-x86-64/contrib/swank-arglists.fasl
I tried adding this after doing 'swank:create-server, but it doesn't work:
(setf swank::*find-module* #'(lambda (module)
(declare (ignore module))
How can I make it so it doesn't look for those files? I would imagine they have already been compiled and loaded into the image. I'm using 'dumplisp to create the image.
Thanks in advance!
- Mauro