Is this a problem in Lisp? I know in C that's an issue since you're just calling close on an integer but I had thought lisp would handle that more gracefully. Although I guess the behavior isn't specified since saving an image is outside the spec? The problem with cleaning up _before_ saving the image is that you can't use the image any more. I was hoping to have a solution that didn't require an exit and restart every time an image was dumped. Andrew On Fri, Nov 4, 2011 at 12:03 PM, Nikodemus Siivola <nikodemus@random-state.net> wrote:
On 4 November 2011 17:54, Andrew Myers <asm198@gmail.com> wrote:
I've got an updated version that seems to work quite well:
(defun aux-save-image (image-name) (let ((old-restart excl:*restart-init-function*)) (setf excl:*restart-init-function* (lambda () (dolist (connection swank::*connections*) (format t "closing ~a~%" connection) (swank::close-connection connection nil nil)) (when old-restart (funcall old-restart)))) (excl:dumplisp :name image-name) (setf excl:*restart-init-function* old-restart)))
Is there anything wrong with doing things this way? I get the same
Closing a connection on initialization is risky. Consider: what if the underlying FD has is already in use in the new image?
You should clean up before you save, not when you initialize.
-- Nikodemus