Tobias C. Rittweiler wrote:
Hi Slime-hackers,
Two issues related to how completion should behave:
a) As of now, completing on "asdf::" or "asdf::foo" means that it's ... What's your opinion on this?
Yes please!
b) Slime's standard completion function `SLIME-COMPLETE-SYMBOL*' ... I'd like to restore the traditional behaviour. Comments?
Fine with me. Also, an additional request: for the q-key to about a completion attempt I need to enter the completion buffer. Ok, I see how this makes sense. But if I allow my reflexes to hit Esc Esc Esc to cancel the completion attempt the completion buffer is hidden but the arrow-keys in my previous buffer remain attached to the now-hidden completion buffer. I suggest that a single Esc in the orginal buffer should work just like a q in the completion buffer, or that there was another single keystroke to dismiss the completion buffer. Finally, we don't seem to have a way to select a completion and insert just the completion anymore. I have plenty of code with calls of the form of just (FOO). Hitting space in the completion buffer while using paredit gives me (FOO ), and hitting enter (FOO ). Can we please make either one just insert the completion, and not the character also? Cheers, --- Nikodemus