reassign 457648 cl-swank found 457648 1:20070927-3 found 457648 1:20071202-1 tags 457648 + upstream thanks Hello! Cc:ing the SLIME-devel mailing list because it's an upstream bug. On Mon, 24 Dec 2007 08:50:10 +0100, anoop aryal wrote:
when using cl-arnesi with slime,
(require :arnesi)
;; loading #P"/var/cache/common-lisp-controller/1000/sbcl/swank/fasl/sbcl-1.0.12.debian-linux-x86/swank-arglists.fasl" WARNING: change in instance length of class SB-PRETTY:PRETTY-STREAM: current length: 27 compile time length: 25 ;; ;; Error while loading: /var/cache/common-lisp-controller/1000/sbcl/swank/fasl/sbcl-1.0.12.debian-linux-x86/swank-arglists.fasl ;; Condition: The class SB-PRETTY:PRETTY-STREAM was not changed, and there's no guarantee that ;; the loaded code (which expected another layout) will work. ;; Aborting. ;; ; ; compilation unit aborted ; caught 1 fatal ERROR condition
This is reproducible on my sid-amd64 with a simple (require 'swank) in SLIME and SBCL_1: on emacs-snapshot_1:20080101-1 (GNU Emacs For this reason it's not an arnesi bug, but a SLIME one, reassigning. The bug doesn't happen with SLIME_1:20070628-1, but only starting with version 1:20070927-3, which unconditionally loads all the fancy stuff: the WARNING happears with contrib/swank-presentation-streams.lisp. Thx, bye, Gismo / Luca