29 Jan
29 Jan
11:21 a.m.
Michael Weber <michaelw+slime@foldr.org> writes:
The following (simple) C-c C-<letter> combinations are unused in both lisp-mode and slime-repl:
I think we should start introducing more subtrees in our keymap hierarchy - we're going to run out of C-c C-<something> keys pretty soon. I think that our current `C-c M-<foo>' and `C-c Shift-<foo>' are a little bit un-Emacsey and it would be nice to put some of them onto key sequences that only use control. Exactly which bits to turn into subtress I'm not sure :-) but one idea is to move the documentation-related keys under a `C-c C-d' prefix. That is a pretty convenient-on-the-fingers prefix, and it would free up a lot of other keys. -Luke