Michael Weber <michaelw+slime@foldr.org> writes:
* Jan Rychter <jan@rychter.com> [2004-07-15T23:36-0700]:
> "Mark" == Mark Triggs <mark@dishevelled.net> writes: Mark> d95-bli@nada.kth.se (Björn Lindberg) writes: I would much prefer if the behaviour was closer to the one for C-c C-d C-d, where the description pops up in another window, and an effort is made upon exit to restore the windows to what they were before.
Mark> I've had the following fragment in my ~/.emacs for a while
Setting w3m-pop-up-frames to t works for me, though it does not have exactly the same effect Jan describes: it creates a new (and then reused) frame for w3m buffers, so emacs does not touch the window configuration of the frame which I program in. Placing the new frame conveniently is done by my window-manager.
Thanks for all who responded. Still, neither of the suggestions seem to do what I want. Michaels suggestion above does not work for me, since I do not want to devote a whole frame or window just for w3m. I tried both Marks and Jans suggestions briefly, and neither actually seemed that different from how w3m behaves originally on my system. Perhaps we are working in different ways. The two key things for me are, first that I would like w3m to pop up in a window (or frame) /other/ than the one I am in when I am invoking the Hyperspec lookup, so that I can read the HS entry and still see what I was working on. Secondly, I would like the window configuration to be restored once I press "q" when in w3m. I have not noticed this to be too much of a problem so far in the regular case, but I imagine that a smarter initiating function would necessitate more work for this too. It seems that Marks and Jans solutions are mostly for dealing with this last issue. At least I now got some elisp code specific to the problem to work with, and I'll see if I can work something out. In case I misunderstood any of the solutions I am hapy to be corrected. Björn