On 23 Jan 2008, at 10:48, Tobias C. Rittweiler wrote:
Joris Bleys <jorisb@arti.vub.ac.be> writes:
I seem to be unable to use the 'M-x slime-load-system' function which seems to be also missing in my slime.el file. Is my system wrongly configured or is this function abandoned?
My current set-up:
- slime 2007-12-14 (downloaded from CVS repository) - carbon emacs (winter 2008 edition, from http://homepage.mac.com/zenitani/emacs-e.html) - sbcl 1.0.13
Many thanks in advance,
You have to load the `slime-asdf' contrib. You can do that easily by placing
(slime-setup '(slime-fancy slime-asdf slime-tramp))
into your ~/.emacs; this should enable almost all features that you may be used to from earlier versions.
Hi Tobias, This indeed seems to solve my issue. The only thing that I also had to change was to also add the contrib subfolder to the load-path in my ~/.emacs, but that's all right. My .emacs file now looks like: (add-to-list 'load-path "/usr/local/current-slime/") (add-to-list 'load-path "/usr/local/current-slime/contrib/") (setq inferior-lisp-program "/usr/local/bin/sbcl") (require 'slime) (slime-setup '(slime-fancy slime-asdf slime-tramp)) Best, Joris