23 Nov
23 Nov
9:24 a.m.
Hi, Helmut Eller <heller@common-lisp.net> writes:
Are you saying that, if point is at (setf c.ar), M-. should automatically jump to the definition of #'(setf car) ?
Not quite. What I'm saying is that if the point is at (setf (c.ar x) y) or (setf (foo x) y (bar y) x (c.ar z) w) then we should jump to #'(setf car), no questions asked (because the context seems clear enough to me). BTW, currently, in a form such as (defun u () (setf foo (bar.baz))) The function slime-extract-context incorrectly returns (:call (:defun u) (setf barbaz)) instead of (:call (:defun u) barbaz) António Leitão.