Carlos Konstanski writes:
Next step: I will look at the code, and try to find out what is going wrong when the following occurs (I suspect `standard-output' does not contain a valid buffer name):
Debugger entered--Lisp error: (wrong-type-argument stringp nil) set-buffer(nil) (save-current-buffer (set-buffer standard-output) (prog1 (progn ... ... ... ... ...) (assert ...) (setq buffer-read-only t)
It is always possible that an external variable is affecting the functionality. Remember my last issue, which turned out to be wholly araneida's fault? Here are my slime settings in .emacs. Could any of these have an effect?
'(slime-autodoc-mode t) '(slime-autodoc-use-multiline-p t) '(slime-compilation-finished-hook (quote (slime-maybe-list-compiler-notes slime-maybe-show-xrefs-for-notes))) '(slime-complete-symbol-function (quote slime-fuzzy-complete-symbol)) '(slime-kill-without-query-p t) '(slime-multiprocessing t) '(slime-repl-history-size 9999) '(slime-repl-return-behaviour :send-only-if-after-complete) '(slime-startup-animation nil) '(slime-truncate-lines nil) -- Carlos
I figured it out. (slime-edit-definition) can no longer pop up an XREF buffer if ECB is running. -- Carlos