On Wed, Oct 03 2012, Harald Hanche-Olsen wrote: [snip]
The output of (ql:quickload "ironclad" :verbose t) would probably provide some hint in what file the problem occurs.
After loading ironclad.asd, it does
; Loading #P"/home/midterm/quicklisp/dists/quicklisp/software/nibbles-2012081\ 1-git/nibbles.asd". ; Compiling LAMBDA (.PV-CELL. .NEXT-METHOD-CALL. C S): ; Compiling Top-Level Form: ; Compiling LAMBDA (.PV-CELL. .NEXT-METHOD-CALL. C S): ; Compiling Top-Level Form: . ; Compiling LAMBDA (.PV-CELL. .NEXT-METHOD-CALL. OP C): ; Compiling Top-Level Form: . ; Compiling LAMBDA (.PV-CELL. .NEXT-METHOD-CALL. OP C): ; Compiling Top-Level Form: ; Compiling LAMBDA (.PV-CELL. .NEXT-METHOD-CALL. OP C): ; Compiling Top-Level Form: . ; Compiling LAMBDA (.PV-CELL. .NEXT-METHOD-CALL. OP C): ; Compiling Top-Level Form:
and hangs.
Most interestingly, if I start over and do CL-USER> (ql:quickload "nibbles" :verbose t) and then CL-USER> (ql:quickload "ironclad" :verbose t) it works. Immediately after the output shown above, the "nibbles" load continues with To load "nibbles": Load 1 ASDF system: nibbles ; Loading "nibbles" and so forth.
I think the problem occurs during loading of gray-streams. There is a (defgeneric stream-element-type ...) which removes all methods. After that the compiler adds new methods and generates the dispatch code for STREAM-ELEMENT-TYPE but wants to print some progress information before the code is ready. It seems that the progress information is printed in QUICKLISP-CLIENT::MACROEXPANAD-PROGRESS-FUN which is bound to *MACROEXPAND-HOOK*. If I change the code in quicklisp/dists/quicklisp/software/ironclad_0.31/src/octed-stream.lisp to #+cmu (eval-when (:compile-toplevel :load-toplevel :execute) (let ((*macroexpand-hook* #'funcall)) (require :gray-streams))) the problem seems to go away. Not sure what the right fix is. PCL::COMPILE-LAMBDA should probably bind *MACROEXPAND-HOOK* hook in any case. SWANK could also load gray-strams early or CMUCL could load gray-streams in the default image. It's also debatable whether Quicklisp should bind *MACROEXPAND-HOOK*. [snip]
Also is swank:*use-dedicated-output-stream* set?
No. Ought it to be set?
Usually not, but the problem would probably go away as STREAM-ELEMENT-TYPE would not be called. Helmut