Hi, I started Clozure from the command line on a remote machine and loaded swank with (asdf:oos 'asdf:load-op :swank). Since I'd just updated to the CVS head for slime, it recompiled. I got these warnings: ; Warning: These Swank interfaces are unimplemented: ; (ACTIVATE-STEPPING ADD-FD-HANDLER ADD-SIGIO-HANDLER CALLS- WHO ; FIND-SOURCE-LOCATION REMOVE-FD-HANDLERS REMOVE-SIGIO- HANDLERS SAVE-IMAGE ; SLDB-BREAK-AT-START SLDB-BREAK-ON-RETURN SLDB-STEP-INTO SLDB-STEP-NEXT ; SLDB-STEP-OUT) ; While executing: SWANK-BACKEND::WARN-UNIMPLEMENTED-INTERFACES, in process listener(1). NIL Are they important? I then started swank: ? (setq swank:*use-dedicated-output-stream* nil) NIL ? (swank:create-server :port 4005 :dont-close t) ;; Swank started at port: 4005. 4005 ? I set up an ssh tunnel for port 4005 and was able to connect and use the Clozure image from Emacs on my local box. When I was done I used M-x slime-disconnect and it killed the Clozure image with this error: ;; swank:close-connection: Unexpected end of file on #<BASIC-TTrace/ BPT trap Do I have something misconfigured? Thanks, Patrick