Marco Baringer writes:
It can happen (though i admit it's a rare occurance) that you build an image with swank, update swank and then try to load swank into the existing image. hard to debug/understand errors ensue, this simple patch protects against that.
Index: swank-loader.lisp
+(eval-when (:compile-toplevel :load-toplevel :execute)
- (when (find-package :swank)
- (delete-package :swank)
- (delete-package :swank-io-package)
- (delete-package :swank-loader)
- (delete-package :swank-backend)))
This patch seems to break loading swank through ASDF from within SLIME. (I came across this while loading another system that depends on swank.)
Emacs just hangs and pressing C-g gets me the following message printed onto the repl buffer:
debugger invoked on a SIMPLE-TYPE-ERROR: *PACKAGE* can't be a deleted package: *PACKAGE* has been reset to #<PACKAGE "COMMON-LISP-USER">.
Reverting the patch fixes this.