Isn't q bound to ABORT-REQUEST for just this reason?
Surprisingly enough, I learned that 'q' was bound to [abort-request] almost immediately after writing this post (it must be the cosmic unconscious). I know I'd feel better if the menu looked like:
Restarts: 0 : [RETRY] Retry performing #<LOAD-OP NIL #x84F81F6> on #<SYSTEM "cl-containers" #x84E8EE6>. 1 : [ACCEPT] Continue, treating #<LOAD-OP NIL #x84F81F6> on #<SYSTEM "cl-containers" #x84E8EE6> as having been successful. Q, 2: [ABORT-REQUEST] Abort handling SLIME request. 3 : [ABORT-BREAK] Reset this process 4 : [ABORT] Kill this process
I'd feel ever better if I couldn't kill the process without a confirmation... any thoughts on these two ideas? -- Gary Warren King metabang.com http://www.metabang.com/ (413) 210 7511 gwking on #lisp (occasionally)