;;; An error occurred in function STD-COMPUTE-EFFECTIVE-METHOD-FUNCTION: ;;; Error: No primary methods for the generic function #<Standard-Generic-Function DEFAULT-READTABLE-ALIST #x1076C2E0>.
OK, that was my fault. Apparently CormanLisp doesn't invoke NO-APPLICABLE-METHOD like some other implementations do. Should be fixed in CVS.
I just grabbed CVS and noted todays date for the swank-corman.lisp timestamp to be sure, but I still get the same error as above. If there is anything specific you'd like me to try out to maybe help pinpoint what's causing the error, let me know. The error doesn't occur when swank-loader gets to swank-corman.lisp, only when it gets to swank.lisp (don't know if this helps any, and I can't tell where it happens in that file as there is no backtrace).