Hi folks, I'm experiencing some issues with slime HEAD and CCL trunk. There are a couple of `must-haves' for us when using slime with our multi- threaded application that work in SBCL but not in CCL: SWANK:*GLOBALLY-REDIRECT-IO* does not globally redirect io when set to T in ~/.swank.lisp. Output remains in the *inferior-lisp* buffer. SWANK:*GLOBAL-DEBUGGER* does not invoke SLDB when cond- itions are raised outside of the REPL thread when set to T in ~/.swank.lisp. I see the following in *inferior-lisp*:
Break: URL: #1="/tests/1" CMD: (:GRID #1# :GRID) While executing: AJAX-RESPONSE, in process hunchentoot-worker-1(11).
;;; ;;; #<PROCESS hunchentoot-worker-1(11) [Active] #x9452A16> requires access to Shared Terminal Input ;;; Type (:y 11) to yield control to this thread. ;;; Can anyone offer any advice on how to proceed? Thanks, - Scott