Hi, I had an earlier wishlist item in 2012, which I wrote to slime-devel about (see my post quoted below). João has kindly implemented this in his SLY project. I was wondering if the SLIME devs would consider adding a similar feature, or just copying João's feature. I'm sure he'll give you all the relevant information. Thank you for your consideraion. Regards, Faheem Mitha ---------- Forwarded message ---------- Date: Mon, 29 Dec 2014 00:19:17 +0000 From: João Távora <joaotavora@gmail.com> To: faheem@faheem.info Subject: Fwd: [Slime-devel] cutting and pasting S-expressions from buffer to REPL Hi, I've found this idea useful so I've added the feature that Faheem described to SLY's `sly-mrepl-sync` command. SLY is a fork/clone of SLIME with a cleaner UI and more features. See https://github.com/capitaomorte/sly and read the NEWS.md file at https://github.com/capitaomorte/sly/blob/master/NEWS.md if you're interested. Bye, João On Sat, Dec 27, 2014 at 4:19 AM, Frank <kulugox@gmail.com> wrote:
Faheem Mitha <faheem@faheem.info> writes:
Hello everyone,
I've recently started using SLIME with SBCl on Debian, where SLIME defaults to using SBCL, at least when it is installed. So far I am very impressed. I haven't been able to take off and fly yet, but I'm on the runway.:-)
I'm particularly impressed by the underlining source which has compile errors, and doing a popup on mouseover feature. I don't know whose idea this was, but it is pretty damn cool. Does anyone know the history of this feature?
So, I have a question about SLIME. When debugging, or indeed otherwise, I find it useful to copy and paste S-expressions from a buffer to the REPL. I've been using the mouse for this, which is decidedly sub-optimal. I hate using the mouse. I was thinking that it would be handy to have a command which would copy and paste S-expressions from a buffer to the REPL, while at the same time switching the buffer to the REPL. The S-expression would be chosen by having the cusor to the right of the closing expression. I'm not sure if this position has a name.
I don't know if this command already exists. I could not find it in the manual. If it doesn't, could someone tell me what code would tell emacs to do this? My knowledge of Emacs programming is non-existent.
Please CC me on any reply. Thanks. Regards, Faheem
I found "M-x slime-eval-last-expression" in other buffer is an alternative way to achieve.
-- Sincerely, Frank
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-- João Távora -- João Távora