Hi; When I first started using Slime I was using CMUCL. One of the features I really appreciated was that when running a program under Slime I could modify and recompile a defun and it would take effect the next time it was called by the running program. I subsequently switched to using SBCL, but when I did I seemed to lose this ability to recompile while running. The C-c C-c commands would queue up an not execute until the program finished. But recently I setup Hunchentoot daemon with Swank in a core image that when run allows me to slime-connect, and when I do so I find that I can recompile stuff and have it take effect without killing the running process. This makes me wonder if there isn't some way to do this under Slime after all. Clearly I don't fully understand the interactions between Slime, Swank and the inferior lisp. Is there another way I can launch SBCL from within Slime so it works the way CMUCL used to? Thanks. --Jeff