Zach Beane writes:
Recently, slime and SBCL have stopped collaborating to correctly place compiler notes in source buffers. For example, I compile this function with C-c C-c:
(defun funk (x) (+ 1 'x))
The generated notes are stuck on the arglist of the form. If I use cmucl, for example, all the notes are correctly placed.
What should I do?
I dug into this, and it looks like
(reverse (sb-c::compiler-error-context-original-source-path context))
has a spurious second element. That is, for the bogus code above, the note about 'X not being an integer has a path of (0 2 3 2), when the correct path is (0 3 2). The note about the variable X being defined but never used gives a path of (0 2), but the correct path is (0). I updated swank-sbcl.lisp to simply remove the second element of the source path, and the annotations now show up in the right place.
However, this seems like it could be a problem in SBCL's source path generation, and not something to patch over in slime. I'm not sure how the compiler-error-context-original-source-path gets populated. Any SBCL hacker have an idea? Why does it get the extra path part?