I'm finding that if I try to run SLIME with SBCL on my debian machine, that multiple sbcl processes (4) start, and if I immediately type (quit) at the REPL, only one of the four is killed. If I instead go into *inferior-lisp* and type (quit), it quit's out of all 4. If I quit the REPL one first, then go to *inferior-lisp*, I get errors like "interrupt thread 6376 failed (3: No such process). This seems to indicate to me some bad interaction between SBCL threads/processes and SLIME? I wouldn't care that much about the zombies, but my XML-RPC server is also not working in SLIME (calls to it hang forever, works fine if I start sbcl in a shell), and I suspect the difficulties are related. Any thoughts? This seems to be an issue with both the current SLIME (CVS today) and the 1.0 tarball (I tried switching to the 1.0 tarball by deleting both the old SLIME directory and my .slime directory --- is anything else necessary)? Cheers, rif