* Jan Rychter <jan@rychter.com> [2004-07-15T23:36-0700]:
"Mark" == Mark Triggs <mark@dishevelled.net> writes: Mark> d95-bli@nada.kth.se (Björn Lindberg) writes: I would much prefer if the behaviour was closer to the one for C-c C-d C-d, where the description pops up in another window, and an effort is made upon exit to restore the windows to what they were before.
Mark> I've had the following fragment in my ~/.emacs for a while
Setting w3m-pop-up-frames to t works for me, though it does not have exactly the same effect Jan describes: it creates a new (and then reused) frame for w3m buffers, so emacs does not touch the window configuration of the frame which I program in. Placing the new frame conveniently is done by my window-manager. Oh, ISTR that at first w3m-pop-up-frames did not seem to have any impact, "rebooting" emacs helped there. (GNU Emacs here). Cheers, M/ -- /~\ ASCII ribbon | "I have made this letter longer than usual \ / campaign | because I lack the time to make it shorter." X against | -- Blaise Pascal / \ HTML mail |