15 Jun
15 Jun
4:36 p.m.
* David Reitter [2009-06-15 00:04+0200] writes:
while loading: /Users/dr/.slime/fasl/2009-06-12/openmcl-version_1.2- r11300m__(darwinx8664)-darwin-x86-64/swank-openmcl.dx64fsl
CCL 1.2 is no longer supported. The source-note stuff and pc-to-source mapping is only available in 1.3 or newer versions. That feature totally rocks and it's absolutely worth to upgrade.
PS.: I'd still like to have a release of SLIME for Aquamacs that has more quality-assurance than a CVS snapshot can provide.
You can run M-x slime-run-tests and if all tests pass you have some quality-assurance. If that's not enough, pay somebody to do the work for you. Helmut.