On 4/18/2010 1:17 PM, Stas Boukarev wrote:
2. If a :type keyword value of 'integer is specified in the definition of `slime-threads-update-interval', then the *Customize* buffer will prevent the setting of the variable's value to a non-integer. This would need to be combined with setting the default value for the variable to zero instead of nil, and with a change to the code that uses the variable, in the function `slime-list-threads'.
I changed type to (choice (number :value 0.5) (const nil))
number, because it takes not only integers.
Please note that when this is combined with the code in the function `slime-list-threads':
(when slime-threads-update-interval ...
the code allows negative values to be passed to `run-with-timer' (and eventually flagged as invalid in the function `run-at-time'). If the user-interface code in SLIME catches the invalid value before it is passed down the call chain to the timer code, then it should be clearer to the user where s/he made the error.