Hi. Sorry if this these are old issues already. I just recently became a subscriber to this list. I've been using SLIME a few years on Linux, and it was fine, and actually set up by others. Recently, I tried setting it up on Windows by myself. Not so smooth. I followed the basic documentation, which was basically (require 'slime) (slime-setup) But that did not start a REPL, but just the *inferior-lisp* buffer. After a while, I looked around, and I found some "chatter" about having to do (require 'slime-fancy) (slime-setup). That almost worked in XEmacs, and did work in GNU Emacs. Is that really what the average user is supposed to do? The main doc on installation pointed to from here: http://common-lisp.net/project/slime/ which doc is here: http://common-lisp.net/project/slime/doc/html/Installation.html#Installation says this is what you should do: (require 'slime) (slime-setup) I.e., the first thing I tried. So, is the basic doc wrong? What's the deal? Also, regarding XEmacs, it did not work off the bat when I required slime-fancy, but did work after I wrapped (unless (featurep 'xemacs) ...) around (require 'slime-autodoc) in a few slime*.el files. Can we get very simple changes such as this, which happen to be needed to make SLIME work with XEmacs, into the main line? Thanks, Mark