Helmut Eller <heller@common-lisp.net> writes:
* sblist@me.com [2009-01-08 07:25+0100] writes:
Can anyone offer any advice on how to proceed?
If those things work in SBCL but not in CCL then it probably means that CCL implements some thread related features differently.
Global IO redirection only works if *standard-output* etc. are truly global variables. If those variables are thread-local we can't set them with a simple setf and would have to use something else, e.g. with a backend specific function setf-global. I don't know how these things work in CCL; you could ask the CCL developers how to do it properly.
Looking at the source, CCL does indeed make the *STANDARD-FOO* bindings thread-local by default. Changing the current implementation of SPAWN to (defimplementation spawn (fn &key name) (ccl:process-run-function `(:name ,(or name "Anonymous (Swank)") :use-standard-initial-bindings nil) fn)) will probably solve the issue. I'm not sure how reasonable it would be, though. Perhaps (defimplementation spawn (fn &key name) (let ((initial-bindings (set-difference (ccl::standard-initial-bindings) '((*standard-input*) (*standard-output*)) :key #'car))) (ccl:process-run-function `(:name ,(or name "Anonymous (Swank)") :use-standard-initial-bindings nil :initial-bindings ,initial-bindings) fn))) would be more sensible. -T.