Alain.Picard@memetrics.com writes:
Luke Gorrie writes:
Great! The OpenMCL backend is currently the shortest/simplest, so I would guess the easiest approach it to port that to LispWorks.
Okay. I'll start with that.
If you write that, we can run the test suite against LispWorks along There's a test suite?! Wow. ;-)
You can run it with `M-x slime-run-tests'. It even has a pretty outline-mode interface :-). There're some shell scripts for running it in batch-mode with different Lisp/Emacs combinations too. If you want to do that you can find some details in the thread starting from http://article.gmane.org/gmane.lisp.slime.devel/36 Some of the cases are currently CMUCL-specific (e.g. expecting edit-definition to find CMUCL sources). Will fix :-) -Luke