Jeffrey Cunningham <jeffrey@cunningham.net> wrote:
I am not using the latest SBCL, and mine is sbcl-1.0.1 which appears to be later than yours, so you might try updating your sbcl. I'm not having any problem. Here's my .sbclrc:
(in-package #:cl-user) (require :asdf) (push #p"/home/jcunningham/systems/" asdf:*central-registry*) (push #p"/usr/share/common-lisp/systems/" asdf:*central-registry*) (asdf:oos 'asdf:load-op :asdf-binary-locations) (setf asdf:*source-to-target-mappings* '((#p"/home/jcunningham/lib/sbcl/" nil) (#p"/home/jcunningham/lib64/sbcl/" nil))) (setf asdf:*centralize-lisp-binaries* t)
Thanks ! Looking at your code just made me realize that I use defvar to set asdf:*source-to-target-mappings* (snippet actually cut'n pasted from ABL's website on common-lisp.net IIRC), and of course, since then, I've tweaked my configuration files and loaded ABL *before* my defvar, rendering it inoperative. :-/ Jee, I feel stupid. Sorry for the noise. Everything's fine now. -- The @-quartet now available on iTunes ! http://www.didierverna.com/records/ Didier Verna EPITA / LRDE, 14-16 rue Voltaire Tel.+33 (1) 44 08 01 85 94276 Le Kremlin-BicĂȘtre, France Fax.+33 (1) 53 14 59 22