Helmut Eller <heller@common-lisp.net> writes:
* Christophe Rhodes [2010-09-13 21:14] writes:
I'd like to put this or something like it in; I'm asking for review of this approach and implementation.
Emacs side looks good. Lisp side is empty, so I suspect you want to have this in CVS primarily because something breaks as soon you load the R stuff. If that's the case then please add a comment somewhere that it's needed for something else.
Thanks. It's not so much that anything breaks unless the slime-media contrib is requested; it's more for my own convenience, so that I don't go mad simultaneously doing CL, elisp and R development, with different contribs useful in CL and R. The alternative would be not to have the stub CL file at all and not to have the :swank-dependencies swank-media clause -- but I think that essentially any use of this contrib will require some swank adaptation to actually emit the :write-image event. I'll add a comment making this clear in the .lisp file (including the implementation strategy for making this useful in the R side, in case anyone is motivated to emit images from any other swank backends). Thanks, Christophe