I see the following with cvs slime/emacs/abcl: - After starting up slime/abcl, *slime-events* is getting filled up with (:write-string "") for no obvious reason. - If I compile a file (it doesn't matter what's in it) I get an endless stream of (:write-string "; Compiling /tmp/proba.lisp ...\n; (IN-PACKAGE #:CL-USER)\n; Wrote /tmp/proba.abcl (0.044 seconds)\n") in the *slime-events* buffer, and ; Compiling /tmp/proba.lisp ... ; (IN-PACKAGE #:CL-USER) ; Wrote /tmp/proba.abcl (0.044 seconds) in the repl. (But the compilation happens only once.) At first I thought this was related to Alan's recent (06/09) changes to swank-abcl.lisp, and going back to the previous version seemed to confirm this. But now, even though I removed the compiled files under ~/.slime/, I get the same problem with both the new (1.37) and the old (1.36) version. Strange. Anyway, I'd be grateful for any hints on how to start debugging this. Andras