Hi, When trying to complete a symbol with C-c C-s, I get the error message Wrong type argument: arrayp, nil in the *Messages* buffer, I see char-syntax: Wrong type argument: arrayp, nil in *slime-events*: (:emacs-rex (swank:arglist-for-echo-area '(("make-instance") ("bind") ("defun")) :arg-indices '(0 2 5) :print-right-margin 1000 :print-lines 1) ":istc-sunk" t 29) (:return (:ok "(make-instance class &allow-other-keys &rest initargs)") 29) (:emacs-rex (swank:arglist-for-echo-area '(("make-instance" "'model") ("bind") ("defun")) :arg-indices '(2 2 5) :print-right-margin 1000 :print-lines 1) ":istc-sunk" t 30) (:return (:ok "(make-instance 'model &key r sigma delta q h b beta m alpha theta &allow-other-keys &rest ===> initargs <===)") 30) The cursor was standing at the end of this form: (make-instance 'model I am using the latest SLIME from CVS. Thanks, Tamas