Mark Harig wrote:
It appears that the name of the 'contrib' sub-directory was misspelled when added in recent changes to 'slime.el' and 'slime-autoloads.el'. The spelling lists the directory name in the plural ("contribs") instead of the singular ("contrib"). This causes the Emacs LOAD-PATH variable to be set incorrectly. Also, as a simplification, the enclosing form (file-name-as-directory ...) can be omitted in both .el files. The default list of directories in LOAD-PATH does not contain trailing slashes.
--- slime.el.1.905 2008-02-18 11:38:35.796875000 -0500 +++ slime.el 2008-02-18 11:04:50.234375000 -0500 @@ -72,8 +72,7 @@ (when (member 'lisp-mode slime-lisp-modes) (add-hook 'lisp-mode-hook 'slime-lisp-mode-hook)) (when contribs - (pushnew (file-name-as-directory - (expand-file-name (concat slime-path "contribs"))) + (pushnew (expand-file-name (concat slime-path "contrib")) load-path :test 'string=) (dolist (c contribs) --- slime-autoloads.el.1.4 2008-02-18 11:38:35.796875000 -0500 +++ slime-autoloads.el 2008-02-18 11:42:45.390625000 -0500 @@ -40,8 +40,7 @@ (defun slime-setup-contribs () (when slime-setup-contribs - (pushnew (file-name-as-directory - (expand-file-name (concat slime-path "contribs"))) + (pushnew (expand-file-name (concat slime-path "contrib")) load-path :test 'string=) (dolist (c slime-setup-contribs)