On Sep 27, 2006, at 3:03 AM, Marco Baringer wrote:
Bill Atkins <atkinw@rpi.edu> writes:
I started Emacs without loading my configuration file ("emacs -q"), then loaded SLIME and evaluated (setq inferior-lisp-program "/usr/ local/bin/lispworks -tty") . Then I ran SLIME and watched some output scroll through *inferior-lisp*, only to stop at a CL-USER> prompt. The echo area informs me that SLIME is still polling the connection ("Polling "/tmp/slime.1257".. (Abort with `M-x slime- abort-connection'.)"). Clearing out old FASL's doesn't seem to make a difference. This is an Intel Mac, if that's relevant.
slime cvs or 2.0? i believe, but am not sure, that you're one of the few people to run slime on lispworks 5 (it hasn't been out that long), so it may be lispworks 5 specific.
CVS. Peder Klingenberg reports that it happens in 4.x too.