Helmut Eller <heller@common-lisp.net> writes:
* Tobias C. Rittweiler [2008-08-17 23:08+0200] writes:
These units were introduced to implement C-c C-k in Xrefs buffers where several toplevel forms should be recompiled at once (the reason we don't do it with one request is the preservation of source-locations.)
You lost me here. Which source-locations should be preserved? Why can't you create a function (on the Lisp side) which takes a list of source code snippets, compiles them sequentially, and returns the list of compiler messages?
I think I thought it would require more changes on the Emacs side to do it cleanly. In retrospect, that assessment doesn't look to be true when contemplating the interplay of specials and serve-event. I'll reimplement this. -T.