the problem: slime currently loads things in the following order: 1) the backend 2) the lisp system's implementation of the backen 3) swank.lisp initially i've defined everything in swank.lisp, which means that the swank-XYZ.lisp files can add methods but can't redefine the default methods :( (in particular it'd be nice to use the implementation's (inspected-parts T) method). however i can't just define the inspector directly in swank-backend because 1) the inspector uses the swank-mop package which each implementation must define, and 2) that'd be ugly. suggestions? the only thing i can think of is a refactoring of the inspector part of swank.lisp into a general inspector file, one file defining the swank-mop package for each lisp and one file redefining inspector methods for each lisp, but this just feels wrong. -- -Marco Ring the bells that still can ring. Forget your perfect offering. There is a crack in everything. That's how the light gets in. -Leonard Cohen