On 2010-12-29, at 11:49 AM, Philippe Sismondi wrote:
On 2010-12-29, at 3:17 AM, Helmut Eller wrote:
* Philippe Sismondi [2010-12-29 06:09] writes:
Greetings. I am attempting to connect from aquamacs emacs + slime on my Mac to a remote lisp on Ubuntu 10.10. These machines are both on my LAN.
On the Mac I am using ccl 1.6 64-bit, with the slime/swank provided by aquamacs as of yesterday. This is described on the aquamacs site as Aquamacs-slime-2010-12-28.pkg.tgz.
On Ubuntu 10.10 I am using ccl 1.7 32-bit, with yesterday's FAIRLY-STABLE slime/swank.
Some day I have to update the FAIRLY-STABLE tag. Please use HEAD in the meantime.
Thanks for the assistance, Helmut. I have made some progress on this.
The 2010-12-10 version of slime from aquamacs, as well as the current HEAD and FAIRLY-STABLE versions of slime from cvs all exhibit the same problem in Ubuntu emacs, namely that slime is fired up BUT no *slime-repl* appears. The only buffers that get created are *slime-events* and *inferior-lisp*.
Is this a known problem? The emacs version on Ubuntu us gnu emacs
So I think I need matching (or at least compatible) versions of slime/swank on both machines, but also one the works properly in general, i.e. creates the *slime-repl*.
I have found a work-around to my problems that is quite satisfactory for my purposes. The remote connect from aquamacs on my Mac to a swank server on Ubuntu works beautifully so long as the version of slime/swank is the same on both (2010-12-10 from the aquamacs distribution). However, that version of slime does not work locally with emacs on Ubuntu. It exhibits the problem described in my earlier email, i.e. no *slime-repl* buffer. The obvious solution is that I use the matching up-to-date slime version on both ends for the remote connection, but start emacs locally on Ubuntu with an older version of slime that works for Ubuntu emacs. I can get along with this just fine. The only puzzling thing is why the recent versions of slime do not work properly on Ubuntu 10.10. That is perhaps for another thread, though, since my remote connection problems are solved. Thanks for the help, Helmut. I totally love slime. I have tried LispWorks, which I think is very good indeed. But for me, emacs+slime and ccl or sbcl are winning combinations. Best, - Philippe -