In article <m27ia249rr.fsf@common-lisp.net>, Helmut Eller <heller@common-lisp.net> wrote:
(progn (defvar *mutex* (sb-thread:make-mutex)) (defvar *waitqueue* (sb-thread:make-waitqueue)) (loop (sb-thread:with-mutex (*mutex*) (format t "sleeping..~%") (sleep 0.1) (handler-case (sb-ext:with-timeout 0.2 (sb-thread:condition-wait *waitqueue* *mutex*)) (sb-ext:timeout ())))))
Using progn instead of loop -> uname -a Darwin karsten-poecks-macbook-pro.local 9.4.0 Darwin Kernel Version 9.4.0: Mon Jun 9 19:30:53 PDT 2008; root:xnu-1228.5.20~1/RELEASE_I386 i386 * (lisp-implementation-type) "SBCL" * (lisp-implementation-version) "1.0.19" * (progn (defvar *mutex* (sb-thread:make-mutex)) (defvar *waitqueue* (sb-thread:make-waitqueue)) (progn (sb-thread:with-mutex (*mutex*) (format t "sleeping..~%") (sleep 0.1) (handler-case (sb-ext:with-timeout 0.2 (sb-thread:condition-wait *waitqueue* *mutex*)) (sb-ext:timeout ()))))) ; in: LAMBDA NIL ; (SB-THREAD:CONDITION-WAIT *WAITQUEUE* *MUTEX*) ; ==> ; *WAITQUEUE* ; ; note: deleting unreachable code ; ; compilation unit finished ; printed 1 note sleeping.. WARNING: Releasing #S(SB-THREAD:MUTEX :NAME NIL :%OWNER NIL :LUTEX #<unknown pointer object, widetag=#x5E {116E3C87}>), owned by another thread: NIL With loop I get more of this warnings until sbcl finally hangs. What are you trying to achieve here, perhaps there is another way to achieve the same? Karsten