Hello! On Thu, 16 Mar 2006 12:03:17 +0100, Luca Capello wrote:
Is this a SLIME problem or a cl-launch one? I guess the latter, as without cl-launch, the swank is correctly loaded by ASDF. But I'd like to be 100% sure.
I should say that after some tests I think it's a SLIME problem. The Debian swank.asd [1] is heavily modified to bypass the load of swank-loader.lisp. And just rewriting the original swank.asd with the Debian one solves my problem :-) Now, I didn't try anything other than loading the swank by ASDF, so I don't know if with the above modification causes other problems. And I'm not a Lisp expert to completely understand the modification :-( Thx, bye, Gismo / Luca [1] http://cl-debian.alioth.debian.org/repository/pvaneynd/slime/debian/swank.as...