* Jiehong Ma [2010-02-28 14:43+0100] writes:
I'm writting you because I can't get Emacs, SLIME and CLISP working together.
Here are my versions number : Emacs 23.1 SLIME cvs from 20091005 CLISP 2.48
My .emacs file contains (add-to-list ’load-path "/usr/share/emacs/site-lisp/ slime/") (setq inferior-lisp-program "/usr/bin/clisp") (require ’slime) (slime-setup)
When I type M-x slime on Emacs I get [No Match]… The paths are good because I've checked them 2 times but I can't find why it's not working over the internet.
The "[No Match]" part indicates that Emacs hasn't loaded Slime yet. A likely cause it that your .emacs contains some error and that Emacs can't read it completely. E.g. the code you pasted above contains ’ (\u2019) characters which is not the same as ' (\u0027) and it would lead to problems. You have to make sure that Emacs can read your .emacs and starts up properly. If you start Emacs with: emacs --debug-init you shouldn't see the debugger or error messages. Also the command "M-x locate-library slime" should display the right filename and "M-x load-library slime" should load it. (That's usually done automatically, but useful to check your setup.) Helmut