Joe Corneli <jcorneli@planetmath.org> wrote on 2007-06-20:
I am trying to continue on the quest I described before --
"I want to create a variant of `defun' that takes arguments from Emacs and assembles a body to be evaluated by SLIME."
Here is a macro that accomplishes this:
(defmacro lefun (name arglist &rest body) `(defun ,name ,arglist (slime-eval (list (append (list 'lambda ',arglist) ',body) ,@arglist))))
Unfortunately, it still produces an error when I test it with the following code:
(lefun myplus (a b) (+ a b)) (myplus 2 3)
Specifically, the above triggers SLDB with the following message:
Execution of a form compiled with errors. Form: ((LAMBDA (A B) (+ A B)) 2 3) Compile-time error: illegal function call
I do not know what this means.
Forms comming from Emacs to SWANK (the Common Lisp side of Slime) are READ in the :SWANK-IO-PACKAGE, i.e. the form that was really evaluted in Common Lisp looked liked this: ((SWANK-IO-PACKAGE::LAMBDA (A B) (SWANK-IO-PACKAGE::+ A B)) 2 3) Which is not a valid form according to CL's evaluation model. You have to send symbols to CL with an explicit package identifier: (defmacro lefun (name arglist &rest body) `(defun ,name ,arglist (slime-eval (list (append (list 'cl:lambda ',arglist) ',body) ,@arglist)))) and (lefun myplus (a b) (cl:+ a b)) HTH, -T.