Andrei Stebakov schrieb:
but: latest clisp (self-compiled from CVS) doesn't understand "w:/slime/stuff" anymore. It converts it to "//c/w:/slime/stuff". this is still fixable, if I had the time to fix it. writing and fixing cygwin32-mount.el was faster, then argueing with sam. :)
So, correct me if I am wrong. Currently I have clisp shipped with cygwin. Sorry I don't know how to check its version. You say that one day when they update clisp I might have a problem with the new paths convention? What's my plan of actions then, download and cygwin32-mount.el and call (require 'cygwin32-mount)? Will I be able to find cygwin32-mount.el some day in the near future?
Yes, it will stay there at my site forever. Note: That this is a hacked version of the official cygwin32-mount.el, and it needs some documentation and better integration. I probably have to rename it, not to clash with the existing version. mine does also the reverse mapping and fixed a lot of bugs with the old one. the old one didn't understand the output of latest cygwin mount.exe command. I will do that when I'll start hacking on clisp again. (1-2 months) -- Reini Urban http://xarch.tu-graz.ac.at/home/rurban/