Hi, stupid newbie question here: I'm having problems starting swank (and, by implication, Slime as well). When I start emacs and do an "M-x slime" I get this error: ; compiling file "/usr/share/common-lisp/source/swank/swank-source-path-parser.lisp" (written 09 MAY 2004 09:42:59 PM): debugger invoked on a SB-KERNEL:SIMPLE-PACKAGE-ERROR in thread 26812: The name :SWANK-BACKEND does not designate any package. You can type HELP for debugger help, or (SB-EXT:QUIT) to exit from SBCL. I'm running emacs 21.3.50, and slime HEAD from CVS earlier today. I'm trying to use SBCL 0.8.10 as the backend. Looking into it a little further, I see that if I just run sbcl from a shell and the do (require 'swank) or (asdf:operate 'asdf:load-op :swank) then I get the same result. I thought at first that thjis was telling me that I needed to specify SBCL as a backend somewhere. I'm not too sure now though, I think that what is actually happening is that the swank files (in /usr/share/common-lisp/sources/swank) are getting loaded in the wrong order and that something is doing an (in-package :swank-backend) before the defpackage call has been loaded and run. So, am I right? And if so, how can I make sure that the files are loaded in the correct sequence? Another thought is: maybe there's a way to precompile all of this stuff (into a FASL file I think) and then it should "just work" ? Any help would be gratly appreciated at this point. Cheers, Ian. -- #ifndef __COMMON_SENSE__ | Ian Phillips #include <std_disclaimer> | TIBCO Software Inc. #endif | www.tibco.com